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These 5 Easy Steps Will Make Your Winter Driving So Much Better

In many ways, driving in the winter is more difficult than in other seasons. Heavy snowfall, freezing fog, low visibility, and slick roads are just some of the potential consequences of extreme weather. However, many of us are still extremely busy, especially with holiday and New Year’s Eve preparations.

While it is essential to plan ahead for winter driving and take all necessary safety precautions, doing so need not be difficult or time-consuming.

You can get your car ready for the harsh conditions of winter and have a trouble-free driving season by following the easy but effective advice below.

ADVICE 1: Make Your Reservations Early

Demand for services may skyrocket as the busiest holiday season of Halloween, Bonfire Night, and Christmas draws near. Indeed, the same holds true for the automotive industry as a whole. It is recommended to schedule maintenance or repairs in advance to avoid disappointment. During this peak time, many garages may have wait times of several weeks.

Since lockdown, when social isolation made taking the test difficult or impossible, there has been a significant backlog in scheduling driving tests. Putting off dealing with a problem until it becomes unbearable to drive the vehicle is inconvenient at best. Make every effort to schedule important services and appointments in advance to avoid being left waiting.

ADVICE 2: Cut Back on Your Car Use

If at all possible, try to limit your driving this winter to just what absolutely must be done.

Safety and environmental benefits can be achieved by limiting travel to absolutely necessary trips only. You won’t add to traffic or have to worry about driving in icy conditions, for instance.

If you drive for wheel and tire packages in business or work, think about handing off the responsibility to an employee or hiring a delivery service. In order to cut down on their own driving, more and more companies are hiring professional couriers.

To keep your Winter budget in check and save money on gas, try cutting back on your driving or at least driving more efficiently. This is of particular significance in light of the fact that certain seasonal extra costs, like Christmas presents and higher heating bills, tend to pop up every year.

ADVICE 3: Make Any Necessary Minor Repairs

It’s easy to put off getting routine auto maintenance until there’s a major problem. However, preventative measures taken at the earliest possible stage can reduce risks and save money.

Problems tend to become even more complicated during the winter months. Little problems can quickly escalate into major ones, leaving you in need of emergency assistance during the busiest time of year for the service provider.

You can avoid this issue by taking an honest inventory of the things that are bothering you about your car (such as strange noises, difficulties, or a cracked windshield, for example) and scheduling an appointment at a reliable garage to have the problem fixed. If you take care of the little things now, the big ones won’t seem so bad when the weather gets really bad.

ADVICE 4:  Fourth-Essential Pieces of Advice

If you want to handle a crisis or annoyance effectively, the best thing you can do is prepare for it ahead of time. It’s a good idea to get your car ready for the winter months before they arrive. But it’s a good idea to do so whenever the seasons change.

You can do this by packing your own emergency supplies and making sure you have up-to-date breakdown coverage or roadside rescue in case of an accident. Antifreeze, blankets, a torch, a mobile phone charger, water, and information about your breakdown coverage might all be part of such a kit.

Important routes should be double-checked ahead of time in case of accidents or detours, and extra travel time should be allotted when bad weather is expected. This could be very useful information to have when going to see relatives or to Santa’s workshop!

If you anticipate potential obstacles and build in some buffer time, you’ll be ready for anything.

ADVICE 5: Take Care of Your Vehicle

Vehicles often suffer damage during the winter months. Water, frost, rust, and other atmospheric elements can also be destructive. If you can, park your car in a garage, under a cover, or away from trees if the weather is windy. You should also clean your lights and windscreen of any debris and consider purchasing winter-specific tyres with the recommended tread depth to ensure your safety on the road.

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