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Pop Ups Templates and Email Popup Examples

There are many ways to make an email popup examples. Some email popups match the visual style of your brand, while others are more generic. For example, one popular email popup template matches the visual style of Old Spice. The email popup uses an attractive title and mentions the visitor as a friend to draw the attention of the customer. A good email popup will include a CTA button that draws the customer’s attention to the core points and also includes social sharing options.


If you want to get more subscribers to your list, you can create an effective opt-in page using Qualzz. This email popup builder has a range of email templates that you can customize and use for your own purposes. You can make them relevant to your site, based on the geolocation of the user, or for specific links they’ve clicked. You can even personalize them to capture specific types of information, such as email addresses or past behavior. Qualzz offers a drag and drop campaign editor, so you can quickly create a campaign with ease.

Using a lead magnet such as an eBook is an effective way to grow your email list. By offering free eBooks as incentives for a visitor’s contact information, you can convert site visitors into subscribers or paying customers. You can also create a popup campaign using your eBook. Qualzz will create a lead magnet for your site that will allow you to track which visitors convert.

Get Site Control

If you want to create your own popups for your website, you can choose from a variety of templates available in the Get Site Control gallery. The email popup examples are customizable to fit your brand identity. You can even upload your own logo or use one of their standard templates. A free popup account is available with this tool, and you can also use it to make calls-to-action. Get Site Control is a website popup builder that helps thousands of businesses grow. It offers multiple forms for user engagement, including contact forms, email marketing, social media buttons, notification bars, and live chat tools.

To use the Get site control email popup builder, you can customize and edit your popup copy. The editor allows you to include extra fields, target users using a variety of rules, and connect the form to your email marketing software. You can even add a sticky bar to your site to collect data from those who click on your popups. Aside from that, you can add form elements and more.

Old Spice

When creating an email or popup, remember to consider the audience and the message. The Old Spice brand is one of the world’s most well-known cosmetics companies, selling only men’s products. While their popups are sometimes humorous and relatable, their overall design remains consistent with their brand’s value proposition. For example, the Dollar Shave Club sells quality men’s razors. And while the commercials are not exactly direct, they are still entertaining and a way to capture the attention of subscribers.

The email pop ups templates uses an image to draw attention to the 10% off offer. It features an attractive, minimalistic design, and the color scheme compliments the brand’s logo. However, its copy is not the most creative and struggles to persuade readers to take action. Its message of 10% off could have been better communicated with less copy. The brand could test a variant with a more eye-catching image.

Packed Party

Email pop ups templates are a great way to increase conversions on your website. They can help increase your website’s conversion rate by increasing the percentage of visitors who convert into customers. You can create a variety of popups to suit your website’s goals. Here are some examples to inspire you. These popups can be very effective if you use them correctly. These email popups work best when they are timed right.

Ryan’s email popup has a great design and focuses on explaining the benefits of subscribing to his newsletter. He’s also careful to keep his popups uncluttered and consistent with the rest of his site. The popup also contains a freebie to encourage users to opt in. As you can see, these email popups have a lot of potential to increase your email list, especially if you use them well.

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