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Mammography Farmington

Mammography: A Revolutionary Breast Cancer Screening Tool

Mammography in Farmington, which is an acronym that stands for mammary X-ray, has revolutionized the way breast cancer is detected and diagnosed in women. An X-ray machine creates mammograms by shooting high energy beams of radiation through the breasts and onto a special film which then shows up as shadows on the film. When doctors examine these shadows, they can often spot abnormalities in the breasts that might not be seen during a physical exam. If there are any abnormalities found on the mammogram, further diagnostic testing will be needed to find out what it might be and how best to treat it.

What Is Mammography?

Mammography is a low-dose x-ray exam of the breast used to screen for breast cancer. The exam, which usually takes place at a hospital or radiology center, involves placing your breast on a platform and having it compressed with a paddle. An x-ray machine then takes images of your breast from different angles. These images are then read by a radiologist who looks for any suspicious areas. If anything abnormal is found, you may be referred for additional testing. Some mammograms also provide information about how dense your breasts are. Dense breasts have more glandular tissue and less fat than fatty breasts, so they can show up as bright white spots on an x-ray image. Women with dense breasts should know that mammograms may not detect tumors in these areas as easily because they can’t differentiate between a tumor and other tissue types as well as in fatty breasts.

How Does Mammography Work?

Mammography is a revolutionary breast cancer screening tool that captures images of the breast in thin sections. The images are then read by a radiologist to look for any abnormalities. Mammography is highly effective in detecting breast cancer early, when it is most treatable. Additionally, mammography can also be used to diagnose breast cancer. It does this by capturing images and reading them for anomalies such as lumps or masses. If there is an abnormality found, the patient will need to go through additional testing which may include ultrasound, biopsy or MRI. click here

It is important that women get screened every year so they don’t miss their opportunity for early detection and treatment. The earlier breast cancer is found, the higher chance there is of surviving without serious side effects from treatment!

Benefits of Mammography

  1. Mammography is a revolutionary breast cancer screening tool that can detect cancer at its earliest stages.
  2. It is non-invasive, accurate, and painless.
  3. It is the best way to detect breast cancer early, when it is most treatable.
  4. Mammography can also be used to diagnose breast cancer, as well as to screen for other conditions such as infection or injury.
  5. It is quick, easy, and convenient.
  6. It is covered by most insurance plans.
  7. Most importantly, it saves lives! click here

When Should I Get My First Mammogram?

The American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging recommend that women with an average risk of breast cancer get a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40. If you have a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors, you may need to start earlier.

How Often Should I Get a Mammogram? (Three sentences):

For women with an average risk of breast cancer, the ACR and SBI recommend getting a mammogram every one to two years starting at age 40. If you have a higher risk, you may need to get them more often.

What Are the Benefits of Mammography? When performed by experienced technicians, mammograms are the best tool we have for detecting breast cancer early. That’s why it’s so important to find out when you should get your first mammogram and how often you should get one afterward.

When they’re done well, mammograms can find cancers before they show up on any other type of screening test. Not only do they detect cancers early when they’re easier to treat successfully, but they also reduce chances that a woman will die from breast cancer.

What If I Have Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time. Your treatment will be individualized based on the type and stage of your cancer, as well as your overall health. Treatments range from surgery to chemotherapy, so we recommend consulting with a team of doctors in order to find out what treatment would work best for you.

-The American Cancer Society recommends a yearly mammogram for women over 40 years old or when there is a family history of breast cancer in order to detect the disease early and prevent unnecessary deaths.

-You should also take some time for yourself after diagnosis. Emotional support is vital during these trying times, so consider reaching out to friends or family members for emotional support during this tough time.

What If I Have An Abnormal Finding From My Mammogram?

Abnormal findings from a mammogram can be very scary. You may be wondering what this means for your health and if you have breast cancer. First, it’s important to remember that not all abnormal findings are cancerous. In fact, most are benign (non-cancerous). However, further testing may be needed to determine the cause of the abnormality. Your doctor will likely recommend a biopsy, which is a procedure in which a small sample of tissue is removed from the breast and examined under a microscope. If the biopsy reveals cancer cells, your doctor will develop a treatment plan for you. Mammography is an important tool in the fight against breast cancer. It can help detect the disease in its early stages, when it is most treatable.

Can I Still Get A Second Opinion Before Deciding On Treatment Options?

Yes. You can always get a second opinion before deciding on treatment options. Your primary care physician may refer you to a specialist for a second opinion. You can also ask your insurance company for a list of in-network providers who specialize in breast cancer. The best way to find an expert is by asking other patients, friends, and family members who have been through it themselves.

Do I Need More Than One Mammogram?

You may have heard that you need to get a mammogram every year starting at age 40. But what you may not know is that guidelines for how often to get a mammogram have changed in recent years. In the past, experts recommended annual mammograms beginning at age 40. Now, they say it’s best to start screening with breast self-exams and a clinical breast exam by your health care provider between ages 20 and 39 and then move on to annual mammograms starting at age 40.

The American Cancer Society also recommends an MRI screening once per decade between the ages of 30 and 79 if there’s no family history of breast cancer or genetic risk factors like BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations (these mutations are rare).

So if you’re under the recommended timeline, don’t worry! There’s still time for you to go ahead with annual mammograms as long as your doctor says it’s okay.

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