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Make your Car Shine Like New with Polish

How to Make your Old Car Shine Like New?

The way you get your new car, you wish to keep the same shine throughout the time you have that car. When someone sees your car you want a last impression of the car to stay in their mind. Everyone worries about the lost shine of their car. There are many ways we take care of our cars, like washing them, getting them waxed, engine enhancement, and such.

The reason we invest time and money is to make sure that the car lives longer without wear and tear and keeps its durability for many years. Which in the end is going to lengthen the life span of the car. When we talk about polishing the car, all we do is get it washed. Car polishing is all about restoring the shine of the car. 

What things are used for Car Polish?

When you plan on getting your car polished, the process of car polish starts with a car wash, waxing, water hose, tire foam, cleaners, sponges, cloths, and brushes. A professional car polish expert will know what right material to be used on your car.

We always try to keep our car new and shiny by washing it every day, but still, we don’t get the desired luster. To keep your cars shining alive make sure you

  • Always keep it covered 

Most of us keep our cars out, where the sun’s UV rays are bound to harm the car, the harmful UV rays can damage the car’s paint and other parts which are exposed to the light. Make sure to keep your car shaded or covered. 

  • Wax it Every Season

To retain your car’s shine get your car waxed every season or 6 months to keep its shine enact. Waxing your car can help you get rid of minor scratches. And even protect your paint. 

  • Keep your Car Rust-free

Getting your car paint can help you prevent the rusting of your car. Make sure to get your car painted whenever the paint comes off. When a part is rusted it loses its strength and later the part might get damaged. You’ll find many car workshops that provide anti-rust protection to make your car rust-proof. 

  • Use a Microfiber cloth for Cleaning the Car

A cloth made of nylon polyester is what microfiber cloth is. The small fibers on the cloth absorb all the dirt and dust, which states nothing is better than a microfiber cloth to clean your car. You can use this cloth under the wipers too, to clean that part as a lot of dust gets collected there. 

The Procedure of Car Polish

The moment we plan on restoring our car’s old color, it can be a great task to do that, here is a rundown of all the steps which are done to restore the color of a car.

  • Start with a clean slate

The most important step in car polishing is to get a good car wash. The first step is to get the car cleaned thoroughly from both interior and exterior surfaces. In this step, the dust is brushed off, and vacuuming of seats, carpets, and mats is done. With the help of professional cleaning agents, the glasses are wiped, and all the oil stain marks are removed from the acre surface. 

  • Car wash

This is where the actual car began, with the hosepipe and water spray. This step removes all the dirt present on the surface of the car. The best way to clean the car thoroughly is to cover all the tires, wheels, and bends properly. 

  • Cleansing and drying

After the car wash, the next step is to use cleaning solutions that are suggested by experts. When all tires are cleaned and sections are avoided from air drying.

  • Car polish

The polishing of cars starts when the car is totally and completely dry and the whole surface is scratch-free. A gel is approved and a solution is used to fill the spaces. The car polishing goal is to clear all the minor scratches. The polish gives a finished look to the car. And later wax adds a glow to the car.

Also read: All you want to know about Vehicle Services

When the car is washed, the first thing you should do is polish it. The main purpose of polishing is to eliminate small imperfections like dirt, grease, and rusting as these cannot be repaired with a normal car wash. Many other additional benefits of car polishing are buffing, smoothing, and even proper filling which leads to ultimate shine to the car. 

Quick Tips

Getting your car washed and polished is not a big task, but it sure is a time and energy-consuming task. When done with the right accessories & tools and methods the result of car polishing can be amazing and appealing. Getting your car polished in harsh UV rays is not a good thing, polishing your car in a comfortable shade makes sure the product is effective. 

Uneven polish and wax over the car can be unattractive and coat uneven too. If in such case wiped with a microfiber towel can be the eBay option as it won’t leave any scratches behind.

You should always keep in mind the times you got your car polished. The scratches and marks need special attention to make the car look shiny. Getting timely car polish can even extend your car’s life. The need for car polishing is when you find your car not as appealing as when you brought it. The best time to polish your car is a dry day or a mild dry day in the shade.

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